Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful for what.....

So I decided as I sit in my office all by myself right now waiting to close the store for the day that I have spent most of my day grumbling about something, worrying about things way too much that are far beyond my control. I couldn't control how many green coupons came through our door today, I couldn't control that the two ladies at table 2 were in such bad moods and decided not to use their manners for anything, I couldn't control that I paid 55 dollars for a case of trash bags and wanted to strangle the sales guy. These are all things that I allowed to create my horrible day as I referred to it when my husband called.
So with that being said, I am not going to end my day in misery (even thought I want to really bad)so I have listed out ten things that I am thankful for today. I need to remember to not let those other things overtake me....because ultimately I lose. What are you thankful for?

1. Grace

2. My latte that my husband brought me this morning

3. Cassie and Brenda...two clients that didn't use green coupons and come in all the time.

4. Addison, Ivee and Jayla....I prayed they would have a fruitful day.

5. My staff...they know how much stress I am under and still hang with me.

6. The really pretty red leaf that was on the front of my car this afternoon.

7. My MAC lipstick....materialistic I know, but I am still thankful for it...i love that stuff.

8. My health

9. That my grandma is still alive and was here to see Flarahs be...oh my grandpa would have loved it.

10. That I close my eyes tonight secure that tomorrow is already decided for my creator.

little e

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm so moronic, but what are green coupons? I promise when I come visit you I won't use ANY! :)


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