Monday, November 3, 2008

An attitude check and a reminder to trust!

So my Monday morning started out good...i mean i was out the door coffee in tow and on my way to pick up my order at Sam's club by 7:15. I mentally was preparing myself for another day in my store, with things so uncertain right now there are days when I struggle to stay positive! I managed to get to Sams only to realize that there were about 10 items missing from the order that we really needed which meant another trip back to get them. I will admit, my attitude started to go south really quickly. An extreme feeling of being overwhelmed and defeat....i mean what we have to do right now to save a penny. In the back of my mind I wondered if I would hear some answers today about my business that has been weighing so heavily on my shoulders. Mondays are usually my days to work in my office and I wanted nothing more than to not have to face my "in" pile today. In my eight years of doing this I have never felt quite like I felt this morning. SO as I was driving to Sams for the second time I was talking out loud asking God to show me a clear sign, to send some help in whatever form it may be. I sipped on my latte while I purchased the last few items and headed back to the store to start my day for a second time. I was not back in my office for more than a few minutes when one of my employees came in and asked to talk with me. I am thinking...great he is quitting and he is one of my favorites. Instead he proceeded to share with me that his mom who worked for my accountant wasn't working there anymore and that she knows how overwhelmed I have been and wanted to help me out "free" of charge. That never happens to me. Running a business there is always a "fee" for everything. The tears streamed down my face.....God really answered part of my prayer and quickly. If there is anyone who will not judge me on how I have or not done things correctly in Quickbooks world it will be her. What an amazing feeling to physically feel the comfort of the Father reaching down on me at that moment. I have felt the hand of my God more in the last few weeks than in a very long time.....i believe it is because I learned to pray in ways that I never prayed before, that understanding what "prosper" means is so different than our world points out. Trust me....have I had to take an attitude check many days in the past few months...yes....but He will not abandon me....He promises that! Go today and make your Monday a good one!


Amy said...

Our family will be praying for you here, Erin. We have been where you are (of course different situations) and it is AMAZING what God will accomplish when we have open hearts to His will. We have seen so many blessings (and also trials) but He is still God and he knows best. And He knows exactly what's going to happen, even if we don't. Knowing He has us in the palm of His hand is truly comforting. Hang in there, girlfriend!

Heidi Zawisza said...

You are just being molded right now by our creator. He is preparing you for something else, maybe something bigger. The way you walk through the fire will ultimately determine how God chooses to bless you.
Stay strong! You are being tested right now, but as sure as the sun will rise and set, God will take you out of the valley and on to a mountain top if you stay focused on Him and Him alone!
Love you girl!


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